Choose your language from the menuThis website is available in Dutch, English and Polish Iconen The ottenicons site includes the Russian and Coptic icons in the Otten & Otten collection. Click on an icon for details The Holy Trinity Iconostasis The fiery ascension of the prophet Elijah The Mother of God of the burning bush Maria Lactans The mother of God Kazanskaja The mother of God of tenderness The mother of God Joy to those who grieve The dormition of the virgin Mary John the Baptist John the Baptist John the Baptist The head of John the Baptist The apostle James Christ Pantocrator The great deesis Floris and Laurus The hermits Paul and Anthony St. George and the dragon Demetrius of Tessalonika St. Nicolas with vita St. Nicolas with vita St. Nicolas with vita St. Nicholas as a bishop St. Nicholas as a bishop St. Nicolas behind 'oklad' St. Nicholas and three other saints St. George of Mytilene St. Mitrofan of Voronezh Holidays icon Three-part bronze travel icon Coptic travel icon Coptic travel icon Coptic crucifix For paintings, drawings and graphics in the Otten & Otten collection see: For sculptures by Polish artists in the Otten & Otten collection see: